tel: 07903 146 628

Canine Photography and Video

‘For Lasting Memories’

Semi Professional Photography

While we don’t profess to be professional photographers, our love of dogs has lead us to become ardent enthusiasts with good quality equipment, and a keen eye for what looks good when it comes to canines.

To this end, we offer our dog training client’s (only), a service where we can take good quality photographs or videos of their dogs being worked / trained or in a more formal ‘canine photo shoot’. Images being saved onto memory stick.


Charges are made on the basis of the time spent and the cost of the memory stick. Images can be tinkered with as necessary by the client on their own home computer software.

For persons who are not one of our training clients, but require the services of an excellent canine photographer – we are happy to take your details and pass these onto one of our close canine friends, a professional photographer who takes truly smashing photos.