tel: 07903 146 628

Puppy Training

“My young puppy and I have learnt so much. The trainers have made it so much fun. We shall certainly carry on training.”

Marlene Snodgrass

Norwich Puppy Training

Getting The Most Out Of Your Puppy

While a new puppy (or even a new adult dog) being introduced into your home is exciting – at the same time it can be very stressful for its new owners – especially first-time owners or for those who haven’t had a dog or puppy for some time.

If you followed the guidance in our downloadable paper ‘guide to buying or acquiring a dog’ then hopefully you will have purchased your new puppy from a reputable breeder- in which case the breeder of your dog should be your first port of call regarding any issues with your dog such as feeding, house training etc.

What We Work On


£110 for the 8 weeks

Please note: To avoid disappointment, don’t delay, contact us soon, so we can add you to our waiting list, and you will soon be reaping the benefits of our training program.

Norwich Puppy Training

We don’t believe in having a course soley for puppies, rather we have an 8 week beginners class for dogs of all ages. To learn more about the 8 week class click the button below, or continue reading to find out more about why you should choose us for your puppy training.

Do You Offer Home Visits?

if you need a home visit to provide some helpful training advice, then you are very welcome to contact us and a visit can be organised. But firstly, check with your breeder as most responsible breeders will provide some aftercare service over the phone ‘for free’ as they want you to do well with your new addition.

'Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware - Of giving your heart to a dog to tear’
Rudyard Kipling - ‘The Power of the Dog’

Hard Work = Better Results

We are confident to say that by attending our 8-week course you will join the cohort of the many dog owners that have trained with us over the years, that have benefited and enjoyed the course which has improved the relationship they have with their best friend. Giving them a freedom, they may have never experienced before – as control and obedience has its benefits.

As with any course of study, you must put in the work to achieve results. As one of our clients replied when we commented on how well his dog was doing – ‘it’s simple, you just have to put in time and the work…’.

Not Like Other Trainers

While some dog trainers provide puppy classes or even socialisation classes, many of these turn into a bit of a free for all with dogs playing games with one another. We’ve even heard of horror stories from clients where dogs have been bullied by larger puppies.

In one case, a puppy was dropped on the floor in a kind of pass the parcel (puppy) activity….

Our Approach

While no dog training class is without some risk – as we are after all dealing with fast thinking animals.

At NDTS we take the approach that in the real world, puppies have to interact with people and dogs of all ages and sizes – For this reason, we place no restriction of the type of dog, age or size on our 8-week course. 

Our Rules

We simply ask that dogs with aggression issues are not brought to class, until such time that this has been addressed, and the owner has learned to control their dog. 

In classes we ask that dogs are kept on leash and under control, except when instructed to be removed by the trainer.