Dog Sport Training

“Whether you are looking to have your dog compete in competitions or simply just looking to have fun with your dog, dog sports training can be a great way of keeping you and your dog fit & healthy.’

Grahame Green MSc FSyI – Trainer/Owner

Developing Your Passion

Dog Sports Norwich

There are numerous sports for the budding canine enthusiast, that have no boundaries on age, breed or type of dog (except banned breeds).

People become involved in the various ‘Dog Sports’ for many reasons.

But for most people it’s ‘the love of dogs and the companionship they bring’…

Do you want to:


Given the scope for dog sport training, prices are based on what you require and how much support you need.

How We Can help

NDTS can help you to achieve in all aspects of sports training, whether it’s obedience, character tests, working trials, Schutzhund / IPO / IGP, security competitions – we even have a little experience of Ringsport, so we have experience in most fields. Training is provided 1-2-1 and for groups.

‘Sports for the K9 enthusiast’’

What Can Be Covered?