tel: 07903 146 628

Dog Training School

‘A well-trained dog is a pleasure to own and something to be proud of – a dog without training can be at best, an embarrassment or at the extreme, potentially dangerous’

Why Attend Dog Training School?

  • Fun training provided in a positive, professional atmosphere to give excellent results
  • Structured training to give you control and provide your dog freedom not previously experienced 
  • Discover that ‘the more you do with your dog’ – ‘the more you can do!’
  • Just like you – Dogs need mental stimulation and physical exercise to have a rewarding life
  • Training provided by knowledgeable and passionate people
  • Did you enjoy going to School? – Your dog will love coming our classes!
  • It’s not just Working Breeds that need training to do a job – it’s all dogs!

Benefits of Group / School training:

Cost – It’s cheaper than 1 to 1 training

Social interaction, meeting new friends and learning from one another

Shared experiences

Friendly ‘peer pressure’ to support and encourage you to do home-work

 Opportunity of training around other people and their dogs

Our Group Training Course

8 Week Introductory Course

We provide an 8-week introductory course with ongoing advanced classes for handlers wishing to develop their dog’s skills further.

Advanced Training Course

Those wishing to develop their skills further with refresher lessons or just wish push training boundaries having got ‘bitten by the bug'.

Puppy Training Course

We don’t believe in having a course soley for puppies, rather we have an 8 week introductory class for dogs of all ages